“May I take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for this great community initiative. The workshop was extremely well run and everyone present was made to feel very welcome. Congratulations to the wonderful young men who presented each base. THEY WERE JUST AWESOME!
I learned so much on the night including small things such as:
· Don’t mix different coloured coolants
· Tyres wear out after 5 – 7 years even if they still have plenty of tread left on them
· Check the oil when the car is cold every week (Ooops! That is my first job for Saturday)
· That shock absorbers are different to springs
· That it’s okay to hose the black dust (that comes from the brake pads) off my wheels
· How to correctly inflate my tyres so the air goes in and stays in.
Of course I had never heard of tyre tread wear indicators – How did I ever get to this age and not know about these things???? I don’t think I am ready to give up my gold RACQ membership just yet but I am really thrilled that I attended the workshop. Once again thank you.”
– Cecily